Deep dive on waste and the circular economy

Published date: 29 July 2020

​Business Leadership Forum offers opportunity to build knowledge and expertise

How is your organization meeting growing expectations to measure and report on waste prevention, and take advantages of the opportunities presented by circularity?

GRI is launching a Business Leadership Forum (BLF) on the circular economy and waste reporting. Providing expert guidance and peer learning, it will bring together a small group of business executives for a series of interactive sessions over the coming 12 months.

Topics addressed will include circularity trends, mapping waste impacts in the value chain, circularity measurement methodologies, company case studies – and more. A key focus of the BLF will be how to make the most of the new GRI Waste Standard, which launched in May.

As Tim Mohin, GRI Chief Executive, explains:

“The GRI Waste Standard enables companies to critically assess waste generation, raise ambition for circularity and be a driver for improvement. This is about fundamentally challenging the perception of waste, from an unwanted residue to a valuable resource.”

The BLF involves a series of webinars, which will take place within the North America time zones (participation is open to individuals from around the world). An in-person meeting, in the USA, is planned for summer 2021. 

GRI 306: Waste 2020 supports organizations to report a complete picture of waste impacts in their activities, products and services. Developed by a multi-stakeholder group of experts, it is now freely available as part of the GRI Standards.