Introduction to the CSRD and Reporting with the ESRS

Are you facing your first ESRS reporting and unsure where to start, feeling like you should have started yesterday? Or are you simply curious about the CSRD and ESRS, eager to learn more about it all? Join us for an introductory course that covers all the basics: from understanding the CSRD and its role in the sustainability reporting landscape, to mastering ESRS fundamentals and the exact steps you need to take to prepare for your first reporting cycle.On top of that, you'll also have the opportunity to learn from a real-life example of a company preparing for its ESRS reporting, sharing their tips and tricks. Prepare yourself for an exciting journey into the realm of corporate sustainability reporting!

Course Content

Part 1: Tackles the relevance of stakeholder engagement for sustainability reporting.
Part 2: Is about effective stakeholder engagement strategies.
Part 3: Tackles specific ESRS reporting requirements related to stakeholder engagement.
Part 4: Is dedicated to practical case studies illustrating effective examples of stakeholder engagement.
Final knowledge check and a wrap-up.

Who is this course designed for?

This course caters to both beginners in sustainability reporting with the ESRS and anyone keen on understanding the fundamentals of the ESRS. 

What will you achieve?

When you have completed this course, you will be able to:

Explain the purpose and value of sustainability reporting
Describe the evolution of regulatory sustainability reporting practices within the European Union
Describe the structure and key characteristics of the ESRS
Define the key components of preparation and project management activities in the context of ESRS reporting


There are no pre-requisites for this course. 

Introduction to the CSRD and Reporting with the ESRS
100.00 €
2 h
Certificate of completion
CEU: Yes
There are no pre-requisites for this course.