
The GRI Standards represent global best practice for reporting publicly on a range of economic, environmental and social impacts. Sustainability reporting based on the Standards provides information about an organization’s positive or negative contributions to sustainable development.

The GRI Standards is a modular system of interconnected standards. Three series of Standards support the reporting process: the GRI Universal Standards, which apply to all organizations; the GRI Sector Standards, applicable to specific sectors; and the GRI Topic Standards, each listing disclosures relevant to a particular topic. Using these Standards to determine what topics are material (relevant) helps organizations to achieve sustainable development.​​

From the list below, you can download the updated GRI Standards. 

File resource Category Type Language Publ. Date
Consolidated Set of the GRI Standards GRI Standards pdf English 05 Feb 2024
Full set of GRI Standards GRI Standards zip English 05 Feb 2024
GRI 1: Foundation 2021 GRI Standards pdf English 05 Oct 2021
GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021 GRI Standards pdf English 05 Oct 2021
GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 GRI Standards pdf English 05 Oct 2021
GRI 11: Oil and Gas Sector 2021 GRI Standards pdf English 05 Oct 2021
GRI 12: Coal Sector 2022 GRI Standards pdf English 15 Mar 2022
GRI 13: Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fishing Sectors 2022 GRI Standards pdf English 28 Jun 2022
GRI 14: Mining Sector 2024 GRI Standards pdf English 05 Feb 2024
GRI 101: Biodiversity 2024 GRI Standards pdf English 24 Jan 2024
GRI 306: Waste 2020 GRI Standards pdf English 19 May 2020
GRI 207: Tax 2019 GRI Standards pdf English 05 Dec 2019
GRI 303: Water and Effluents 2018 GRI Standards pdf English 28 Jun 2018
GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety 2018 GRI Standards pdf English 28 Jun 2018
GRI 306: Effluents and Waste 2016 GRI Standards pdf English 10 Oct 2016
GRI 201: Economic Performance 2016 GRI Standards pdf English 10 Oct 2016
GRI 202: Market Presence 2016 GRI Standards pdf English 10 Oct 2016
GRI 203: Indirect Economic Impacts 2016 GRI Standards pdf English 10 Oct 2016
GRI 204: Procurement Practices 2016 GRI Standards pdf English 10 Oct 2016
GRI 205: Anti-corruption 2016 GRI Standards pdf English 10 Oct 2016
GRI 206: Anti-competitive Behavior 2016 GRI Standards pdf English 10 Oct 2016
GRI 301: Materials 2016 GRI Standards pdf English 10 Oct 2016
GRI 302: Energy 2016 GRI Standards pdf English 10 Oct 2016
GRI 304: Biodiversity 2016 GRI Standards pdf English 10 Oct 2016
GRI 305: Emissions 2016 GRI Standards pdf English 10 Oct 2016
GRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment 2016 GRI Standards pdf English 10 Oct 2016
GRI 401: Employment 2016 GRI Standards pdf English 10 Oct 2016
GRI 402: Labor/Management Relations 2016 GRI Standards pdf English 10 Oct 2016
GRI 404: Training and Education 2016 GRI Standards pdf English 10 Oct 2016
GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016 GRI Standards pdf English 10 Oct 2016
GRI 406: Non-discrimination 2016 GRI Standards pdf English 10 Oct 2016
GRI 407: Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining 2016 GRI Standards pdf English 10 Oct 2016
GRI 408: Child Labor 2016 GRI Standards pdf English 10 Oct 2016
GRI 409: Forced or Compulsory Labor 2016 GRI Standards pdf English 10 Oct 2016
GRI 410: Security Practices 2016 GRI Standards pdf English 10 Oct 2016
GRI 411: Rights of Indigenous Peoples 2016 GRI Standards pdf English 10 Oct 2016
GRI 413: Local Communities 2016 GRI Standards pdf English 10 Oct 2016
GRI 414: Supplier Social Assessment 2016 GRI Standards pdf English 10 Oct 2016
GRI 415: Public Policy 2016 GRI Standards pdf English 10 Oct 2016
GRI 416: Customer Health and Safety 2016 GRI Standards pdf English 10 Oct 2016
GRI 417: Marketing and Labeling 2016 GRI Standards pdf English 10 Oct 2016
GRI 418: Customer Privacy 2016 GRI Standards pdf English 10 Oct 2016
GRI Standards Glossary GRI Standards pdf English 05 Oct 2021