Four more translations of Universal Standards
Published date: 26 January 2023

Revised Standards in French, German, Italian and Indonesian
The updated standards at the heart of all reporting through GRI are available in nine translations. Users from around the world can now freely download the Universal Standards in French, German, Italian and Bahasa Indonesia.
The significant changes introduced in the Universal Standards 2021 offer the highest level of transparency for impacts on the economy, the environment and people. In effect for all reporting since 1 January 2023, these standards are fully aligned with intergovernmental instruments, as set by the UN and OECD, for responsible business conduct and due diligence reporting on human rights.
The latest translations add to those announced in recent months – for Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) and Japanese. Furthermore, the Coal Sector Standard (GRI 12) has published in Simplified Chinese, Spanish and Portuguese.
The Universal Standards are comprised of:
- GRI 1: Foundation- introduces the purpose and system of GRI reporting, setting key reporting concepts, requirements and principles;
- GRI 2: General Disclosures- disclosures on reporting practices, activities and workers, governance, strategy, policies and practices, and stakeholder engagement;
- GRI 3: Material Topics- step-by-step guidance and revised disclosures on how the organization determines, lists and manages each of its material topics.
With the Universal Standards 2021 now in effect, the previous 2016 version is no longer available. All GRI reporting companies are required to use the 2021 standards for published information going forward.
Training courses are offered via the GRI Academy to support reporters in utilizing the Universal Standards 2021, while a Content Index Service helps companies achieve clearly presented and referenced reports.
GRI thanks the peer reviewers who contributed their time on a voluntary basis to ensure the accuracy and usability of these GRI Standards translations. View the publication schedule to find out when more translations, for Universal and Sector Standards, will become available.
Further resources:
- Watch a Universal Standards 2021 presentation video that outlines the key updates
- Read FAQs on the use of and transition to the revised standards
- Access a Mapping Spreadsheet to track changes between the 2016 and 2021 versions