GRI becomes ‘Global Deal’ partner
Published date: 21 October 2022

Organization joins OECD-led initiative to advance stakeholder dialogue
GRI has joined the Global Deal – a multi-stakeholder platform to foster dialogue and consultation between governments, businesses and employers’ organizations, trade unions, civil society and other bodies, on economic and social issues.
As set out in a joint communiqué published by Global Deal, GRI has committed to enhance corporate transparency on labor-related topics through credible corporate disclosures that take account of stakeholder perspectives. The review of GRI labor standards, announced in September, supports this aim.
The update process for labor-related standards recognizes the need for organizations to do more to meet their responsibilities to protect human rights and ensure decent working conditions and treatment of workers. The review is being led by a Technical Committee that has representatives from the International Labour Organization, International Organisation of Employers and trade unions.
The Universal Standards 2021 Update introduced new disclosures on policy commitments on human rights and due diligence, fully aligning with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business, and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.