GRI Education: Develop your skills as a sustainability professional

Self-paced learning at the GRI Academy

Find out about the online training courses we offer at the GRI Academy. Go for the acclaimed professional certification program or sign up for one of the many courses we offer.

Instructor-led learning by our training partners

If you prefer instructor-led learning, delivered by a training provider who knows your local context, check out the training courses offered by our Certified Training Partners.

Choose between two flexible options for learning

Stay ahead of the curve with GRI Education. We are the world’s number one training provider for impact reporting. We offer globally applicable and recognized professional development alongside the latest sustainability-related curriculum. Take our self-paced training courses online at the GRI Academy or register for a training session with one of our Certified Training Partners.


Course enrolments


New learners on the Academy


Certifications Issued



How it works

Compare learning experiences

  • Scheduled flexibilty
  • 24/7 availability
  • Any location
  • Interactive platform
  • Local context
  • Peer to peer
  • Networking opportunities
  • Access to trainer
Route A : Self-paced learning at the GRI Academy
Route B : Instructor-led learning via a Training Partner
Scheduled flexibilty
24/7 availability
Any location
Interactive platform
Local context
Peer to peer
Networking opportunities
Access to trainer

What our alumni think of the Academy and our training partners

Contact the GRI Academy

If you're interested in learning more about the courses offered by the GRI Academy, please don't hesitate to contact our team. We will be happy to provide you with additional information and answer any questions you may have.

Contact us