GRI Management Board

GRI is led by a Management Board, responsible for operational leadership and policy of the organisation, which consists of:

  • Robin Hodess, CEO
  • Cristina Gil White, Chief Engagement Officer
  • Bastian Buck, Chief Standards Officer
  • Olivia Swartz, Chief People Officer


Robin Hodess
Chief Executive Officer
Responsible for GRI's strategic work program and organizational management

Robin commenced as CEO of GRI in February 2025, joining from The B Team where she was Chief of Strategy and Impact. She previously worked for 18 years for Transparency International, including director-level positions overseeing policy, advocacy and research.

Robin has lectured in business and sustainable development for the European School of Management and Technology in Berlin. Early in her career she held roles in the USA with Morgan Stanley, the Carnegie Council for Ethics and International Affairs, and the Center for War Peace and New Media. 

Robin is Chair of B Lab Germany’s Supervisory Board; a Board Member of the Open Government Partnership (USA); an Advisory Council member of Fair Share of Women Leaders (Germany); and a member of the B20 Integrity and Compliance Taskforce.

Originally from the US, Robin has lived in Europe for most of her professional life and is based in Berlin. She holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the University of Cambridge and studied History at the University of Pennsylvania.

Cristina Gil White
Chief Engagement Officer
Responsible for GRI's commercial activities, external communications and stakeholder engagement
Cristina leads on commercial operations, marketing, stakeholder relations and organizational strategy, having joined GRI in an executive role in 2023 following three years on the Supervisory Board. From September 2024 until February 2025, Cristina led the organization in an interim capacity.
Cristina has diverse and international expertise in sustainability leadership, spanning Latin America, the USA and Europe. These include executive roles in which she led on sustainability reporting at Suzano (Chief Sustainability and Chief Communications Officer) and Orbia (VP Sustainability).

Cristina’s earlier career was forged in the nonprofit world, through senior roles with the Nature Conservancy, Rare Conservation, Fundacion EDUCA and Pronatura Noreste.

A Mexican national, Cristina is trained as a chemist and holds a MSc in Environmental Science from Universidad de las Américas Puebla.
Bastian Buck
Chief of Standards
Responsible for the ongoing development, implementation, and enhancement of GRI’s Sustainability Reporting Standards and collaborations with other standard setters
Bastian has been with GRI since 2006 and has undertaken a wide range of roles related to sustainability reporting standard setting. 
He oversaw the launch of the G4 Guidelines in 2013, and the introduction of the GRI Standards three years later. Bastian has led the GRI Standards Division as Chief Standards Officer since 2013.
Bastian has represented GRI’s perspective on sustainability reporting in engagements with stakeholders in more than 50 countries and is highly experienced in orchestrating international, multi-stakeholder consensus-seeking processes.
A German national, Bastian holds a MSc in Business Administration, focusing on sustainable development, from Erasmus University Rotterdam; and a BSc in Economics from Maastricht University.

Olivia Swartz
Chief People Officer
Responsible for being a strategic partner to the organization in shaping the overall strategy while driving the people agenda through effective talent management.
Olivia is a highly experienced HR professional who has been with GRI since 2023. She has a diverse skillset that spans different aspects of HR and focuses on change and organizational effectiveness, by designing fit-for-purpose structures that enable people to thrive and succeed in line with organizational goals.
Olivia has previously held HR leadership roles in both the private and non-profit sectors, in the UK, South Africa and the Netherlands – including VSO, FareHarbour, and Clickatel.
Olivia is a South African national and holds a BA in International Business Administration from Canterbury Christchurch University.