Global Standards Fund

Maintaining the world’s most comprehensive set of sustainability reporting standards requires significant investment of time and resources.

The Global Standards Fund provides for the independent, multi-stakeholder development of the GRI Standards as a free public good available to all organizations. 


Help businesses take responsibility for their impacts

The Fund helps safeguard and increase our ability to deliver the world's leading sustainability standards, which encourage organizations to embrace responsible business practices.

By using the GRI Standards, organizations can report on their impacts in a transparent, credible, and comparable way. This paves the way for informed dialogue and decision-making, and enhances corporate contribution to sustainable development. 

The Global Standards Fund provides an opportunity for foundations, governments, companies and individuals to participate in a group of like-minded funders who want to see companies integrate transparency and sustainability at the core of their operations.


Support provided to the Global Standards Fund ensures:

  • Continuous independent and multistakeholder development of the GRI Standards
  • Global advocacy to drive uptake of the Standards
  • Further development of the Sector Program and the Sector Standards that are designed to help identify a sector's most significant impacts and reflect stakeholder expectations for sustainability reporting
  • A 'free public good' status of the GRI Standards, which means that they are available to all organizations

Help us enable a sustainable future by joining. Download our brochure to find out how you can get involved.


Supporters of the Fund 

PwC - PricewaterhouseCoopers


Become a partner

Interested in becoming a partner in the Global Standards Fund?  Contact our Chief Fundraising Officer,  Jorge de los Santos, to find out more.

Get in touch