Sector Standard for Mining

A Standard for a responsible mining sector

The importance of this Standard

GRI 14: Mining Sector 2024 addresses the pressing need for consistent, granular, and complete reporting on the sector’s wide-ranging impacts and contributions to sustainable development. The Standard sheds light on the dual nature of the mining sector – providing essential minerals and metals that society relies on, while having significant impacts on the environment, communities, and workers. 

GRI 14: Mining Sector 2024 is now available for download and enters into effect for reporting on 1 January 2026, with early adoption encouraged.​ The new GRI Standard reflects broad stakeholder expectations for transparency and enables any mining company to use a common set of metrics to report their impacts.  

The Standard is used together with the GRI Universal Standards and the GRI Topic Standards. See this Implementation Guide for more information and practical examples on how to use the Sector Standard for determining material topics and deciding disclosures.

Basis for conclusions

The public comment period for the exposure draft of the Standard ran from 7 February to 30 April 2023. 

The Basis for Conclusions for GRI 14: Mining Sector 2024 provides a summary of the significant issues raised during public consultation. A complete record of the received comments can be found here. The Basis for Conclusions also provides a summary of how the Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB) responded to the significant issues raised.  

About this project

The development of this Standard was prioritized based on the sector’s widely documented impacts across economic, environmental, and social dimensions. The GSSB appointed an expert multi-stakeholder Working Group to develop the contents of the Standard. In addition, an expert group of peer reviewers were engaged throughout the process. 

Learn more about the need for more transparency about the impacts of mining and a presentation of the Standard’s contents in the following webinar recordings: 

The project followed the GSSB’s Due Process Protocol, the implementation of which is overseen by the GRI Due Process Oversight Committee. Learn more about the GRI Sector Program here. 

For key documents, FAQs, resources and more, see the list at the bottom of this page. 

Project Overview

Q4 2021
Formation of Working Group & Project commencement
Q1 - Q4 2022
Development of exposure draft
Q1 - Q2 2023
Public comment period
Q2 - Q4 2023
Consideration of public comment feedback and revision
Q1 2024
Release of the Standard

Recent news

View all news and updates

A social license to operate? Achieving transparency for mining impacts

29 Mar 2023

Medium article by Noora Puro, Sector Standards Manager

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Unearthing the truth about mining impacts

07 Feb 2023

Consultation underway on new standard for mining sector

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Progress on sustainability standard for mining

18 Jan 2022

Multi-stakeholder group to develop new Sector Standard

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Sustainability impacts standard for mining under development

16 Sep 2021

Project commenced to create the latest GRI Sector Standard

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Related resources

GRI Sector Standard Project for Mining FAQs file 07 Feb 2023 English 286 KB
GRI 14: Mining WG bios file 01 Feb 2024 English 776 KB
GRI Sector Standard Project for Mining – GSSB Basis for Conclusions for GRI 14: Mining Sector 2024 file 02 Feb 2024 English 381 KB
GRI Sector Standards project for Mining public comment feedback file 06 Jun 2023 English 267 KB
GRI Sector Program Mining exposure draft file 03 Feb 2023 English 2.3 MB
GRI Sector Standards Project for Mining – Project proposal file 25 Aug 2021 English 184 KB
A Short Introduction to the GRI Standards file 04 Oct 2021 English 369 KB
GRI Sector Program Description file 07 Feb 2019 English 449 KB
GRI Sector Standards Project for Mining – Working group terms of reference file 25 Aug 2021 All 194 KB
GSSB Terms of Reference file 18 Oct 2018 English 108 KB
GSSB Due Process 09 Sep 2020
GSSB Work Program 2023-2025 file 24 Aug 2023 English 418 KB

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